Histamine and Cocoa: What to Know About Liberators
The term histamine intolerance is used to describe very different things: on the one hand, some people have difficulty breaking down histamine contained in food. On the other hand, some people can have an allergic reaction to substances other than histamine. These substances - although it's not clear what exact substances they are - are often grouped together and called "histamine liberators" which is really another word for an "unknown allergen".
So, if you cannot tolerate chocolate for example, it could be due to either a histamine-rich cocoa, or an allergy to some other substance in cocoa.
If you have an intolerance only to histamine in food, i.e. an issue breaking down histamine, then our products with cocoa are a great fit. The cocoa that we use contains practically no histamine, which we regularly test in the lab.
Further information can be found on the following pages:
Histamine Free Products at Frusano
Symptoms of Histamine Intolerance