

The raspberry is a fruit that has it all. It contains plenty of minerals, especially phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and iron. As for vitamins, raspberries have an impressively high content of B-vitamins and vitamin C. After all, 100 grams of raspberries cover a quarter of the daily requirement of an adult vitamin C.

Flavonoids and phenolic acids complete this potpourri of nutrients. These two phytochemicals are said to have antibiotic and anti-cancer properties. 

sugars in g/100g*
fructose sucrose glucose fructose total**
2,05 0,97 1,79 2,54

Good to know

Botanically, raspberries aren’t really berries at all. The fruit is composed of many small hairy stone fruits sitting on a cone-shaped fruit base. With their fine hairs, the individual stone fruits stick together like velvet cloths and together form a collective stone fruit.

For individuals with an average tolerance about 30g makes a good test.

*amount of sugar depends on variety and ripeness
**The value of 'fructose total' composes of the pure fructose and 1/2 of the sucrose.

source: BZfE,