
Low-FODMAP diet for IBS

For those struggling with irritable bowel syndrome, a change in diet can greatly help with these digestive issues that can have a major impact on quality of life. IBS symptoms such as stomach aches, diarrhea, bloating, and gas are uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Luckily, following a low-FODMAP diet can significantly improve these issues for IBS sufferers.

High-FODMAP foods can affect the digestive systems of those with IBS. The digestive issues generally occur because the small intestine cannot process all carbohydrates properly; therefore, it is unable to digest fully and offer all the food’s nutrients to the body. There are various reasons for which these issues occur: some affected people lack certain transport molecules, while others don’t produce the enzymes needed to adequately digest certain foods. However, the core issue is the same: instead of being processed in the small intestine, the carbohydrates reach the colon. There, the carbs are taken apart by the bacteria in the colon. During the process of fermentation, gases are produced, often leading to excess gas, bloating, stomach cramps, and diarrhea.

Low FODMAP IBS diets

The low-FODMAP diet or IBS diet is intended for people that cannot not consume certain types of carbohydrates including lactose, fructose, sugar substitutes, or certain types of sugars.

FODMAP-rich foods trigger typical symptoms in their digestive tract in people with corresponding intolerances. Especially when the patient’s intestine has already been damaged or they suffer from a congenital intolerance.

Enjoy healthy food despite IBS thanks to FODMAP

Low-FODMAP foods are a healthy alternative for people who need to avoid lactose, fructose, sugar substitutes and certain other polysaccharides.

Frusano offers an array of delicious and nutritious products that meet the standards for a low-FODMAP diet. Our products contain are lactose and fructose-free and don’t contain any sugar substitutes or indigestible polysaccharides.