Tips for an IBS diet
Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional intestinal disease. That means, the function of the bowel is disrupted, not the bowel itself is damaged. After all diagnose possibilities have been checked and by the investigations that have taken place with the individual, no organic reason for the irritable bowel symptoms have been found, then the diagnose irritable bowel syndrome remains.
The search for the root-causes is difficult. However, it has been proved the sensitiveness towards certain foods, can cause many irritable bowel symptoms. Real food allergies are rarely included. More likely, people with irritable bowel syndrome suffer more often with at least one food intolerance. Especially the fructose intolerance makes life difficult for many individuals. With it, symptoms of an irritable bowel syndrome appear through the fructose that is not completely absorb. The symptoms appear very individually, mainly after the consumption of relevant food, against an existing intolerance. Stomach cramps, flatulence and diarrhoea appear by a fructose intolerance especially after the consumption of fruit or sugary meals.
Studies show, that by 74% of the peoples with irritable bowel syndrome and fructose malabsorption, an increasing improvement happens to the irritable bowel symptoms, when fructose is avoided in the diet. Also, a so-to-say elimination diet, meaning to do without particular food particles, can evidently reduce the symptoms of an irritable bowel. Treatment for an irritable bowel with an individual diet plan can definitely increase the quality of life for an individual!
The individual irritable bowel diet plan as part of an irritable bowel treatment
You can go of, that just in Germany, more than five million people suffer from an irritable bowel syndrome. Because people individually reacts with irritable bowel symptoms, depending on different foods (reoccurring flatulence with or without stomach cramps, constipation and/or diarrhoea, stomach cramps, bloating and belching, heartburn and nausea, stomach ache, the frequent urge to defecate, as well as the feeling that the bowels are not fully emptied) can a general guideline for a diet by an irritable bowel not be given. There again the diet by irritable bowel syndrome is a very important aspect by the treatment of an irritable bowel, then it has been proved that a suitable individual diet can have a positive effect.
Because the individual tolerance level of food by every individual varies, there are no forbidden foods. What results in severe complaints for one individual, may for another individual cause absolutely no problems. Therefore, the person affected with irritable bowel syndrome, has to adjust their diet according to their individual complaints.
There are certain foods to avoid or only to consume in small amounts. To find out which food causes the irritable bowel symptoms, is the option of an elimination diet. Not only fructose intolerance but also FODMAP, are intolerances that effect the digestive system. Similar to other food intolerances (for example lactose intolerance) and various food allergies also cause these typical irritable bowel symptoms, that seriously interfere in their daily life.
The choice of which style of diet, is always individual and also by an irritable bowel diet, it is important that the individuals finds the right foods. Here can help for example, the knowledge about fructose malabsorption and low FODMAP diet. The abbreviation FODMAP is from the following terms: Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols. FODMAP describes the carbohydrates that are not completely processed in the small intestine and can possibly cause flatulence or cramps. That is why food with a low FODMAP proportion can cause less or no symptoms. Many people with irritable bowel symptoms report that their symptoms have clearly eased due to a FODMAP reduced diet.
To the foods with a high proportion of FODMAP are the following included: ripe bananas, cauliflower, white cabbage and savoy cabbage, onions, milk, yoghurt and honey.
It is also helpful for many people, to keep a nutritional dairy. Information to the sort of food, the amount, the time it has been consumed and also which symptoms occur and how intensive the symptoms are.
It helps to be aware of your own eating habits and shows which foods are good and which are not tolerable. An individual irritable bowel diet can be compiled easier and effective with the help of this information.