All the leafy plants in the chicory family contain the bitter substance intybin. It’s considered healthy and said to promote metabolism, stimulating the stomach and appetite. Since many consumers do not like the bitter taste of endive, producers have responded and today's varieties contain a relatively small amount of the bitter compounds.
During preparation, the stalk, the outer leaves and thick leaf ribs should be removed as they contain most of the bitter substances and also most of the nitrate. The salads stand up well to strong dressings and can also be used in the warm dishes.
fructose | sucrose | glucose | fructose total** |
0,61 | 0,15 | 0,48 | 0,76 |
Good to know
These leafy greens are 90-95% water, but most varieties contain beta carotene and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, folate and vitamin C. The vitamin C content varies between 10 mg per 100 g in endives and 35 mg in lamb’s lettuce. Minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, as well as fiber, are abundant in the colorful leaves too. The iron content is only significant in endive and lamb’s lettuce. The two types of lettuce also contain more potassium and folic acid than other types of lettuce.
For individuals with an average tolerance about 100g makes a good test.
*amount of sugar depends on variety and ripeness
**The value of 'fructose total' composes of the pure fructose and 1/2 of the sucrose.
source: BZfE, aid.de