

Fructans are carbohydrates found in high concentrations in garlic, onions, and Jerusalem artichokes.

At Frusano, we always avoid onions and garlic when we create our recipes.

The fructan content of wheat and spelt is a controversial topic: Some people claim that wheat and spelt contain large amounts of fructans. This may be true in individual cases or for certain varieties, but not for the organic wheat and spelt we use. In the analyses of our cereal-based products, the fructan content was always within the low FODMAP limits.

If you find you are very sensitive to fructans, we suggest products which use other grains, such as our Gluten Free Sandwich Biscuits, our Rice Cakes with Dark Chocolate, or our Milk Chocolate Puffed Rice Bites which are products made with rice and/or corn and are fully free of any fructans.