
Elderberry drink

A refreshing, fizzy drink for the whole family on those hot summer days 
Prep Time:  about 5 min.
Difficulty: easy
Yield: für about 1 liter



  1. Slice one of the lemons into slices and juice the other lemon.
  2. Stir together the lemon juice and the elder flower syrup. Add them with the lemon slices to a large pitcher
  3. Fill the pitcher the rest of the way with sparkling water, add the ice cubes and stir until combined.
Tip: For a sweeter variation, simply add more elderflower syrup. The ice cubes can be omitted on days that aren’t so hot.
Additional Tip: The number of lemons can be reduced and the lemons can also be replaced by limes.
Have fun trying this yourself! Enjoy!