Fructose intolerance and vitamin deficiency
Vitamins and minerals essential nutritents for our health; our organs, immunity, and nervous system depend on them. Our body doesn't produce minerals and we therefore have to get them through our food. Take magnesium, for example, which is needed for proper muscle function.
What is the connection between fructose intolerance and vitamin deficiency?
Most patients will avoid all fructose-containing foods after receiving a fructose intolerance diagnosis. Through this elimination process often comes a lack of fruit and vegetable consumption, which are important sources of vitamins and minerals.
After this initial elimination period, it is important to include enough low-fructose fruits and vegetables in the person's daily diet. See Frusano's seasonal calendar with several digestible fruits and vegetables, as well as our nutritious, low-fructose recipes.
How can those with fructose-intolerance consume enough fruit and vegetables for a healthy diet?
Fructose intolerances cause the intestinal flora to change, often causing destabilization in the gut. If the intestines are unbalanced, vitamins are very often not absorbed properly, or only in very small amounts. This often occurs with vitamin B, as it is a water-soluble vitamin that cannot be produced by the body, and therefore a constant supply through food or supplements is necessary.
Folic acid (vitamin B9) belongs to the group of the water-soluble vitamins from the B-complex. People with fructose intolerance have often shown a deficiency of folic acid due to the damaged intestinal flora. Folic acid is essential for cell renewal and division, and is also important for metabolizing iron and vitamin B12. New studies show that folic acid plays an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Studies also show that there is a connection between a disturbed fructose intake and zinc deficiency. Zinc protects from infections helps bolster the immune system, and promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails.
A zinc deficiency can often cause a lack of appetite, hair loss, nail problems, flaky or inflamed skin, higher susceptibility to infectious illness or delayed wound healing. A zinc and folic acid deficiency can be found out with a blood test.
What advantages has the product FiliMultin?
Frusano developed FiliMultin to give people with fructose intolerance the possibility of full-spectrum vitamin supply – the chewable tablets are sweetened only with dextrose and without sorbitol. In addition to folic acid and zinc, the supplement contains other essential vitamins and minerals – 19 different nutritents, in total, are packed into the dextrose chewable tablets.