Whether fresh, in fruit salad, as quark dessert, cake, chutney or juice - the pineapple is an extremely versatile and popular fruit. In Germany, it is the most frequently eaten exotic fruit after bananas and citrus fruits. Almost everyone knows this juicy-sweet fruit. The pineapple consists of several single, intergrown berries and it’s a true aroma sensation. The pineapple’s aroma is composed of over 200 volatile substances.
But in terms of nutritional content, the low-calorie pineapple is hard to beat. It contains many vitamins, especially vitamin C, as well as minerals, enzymes and trace elements such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. The enzyme bromelain contained in fresh pineapple promotes digestion and has anti-inflammatory effects. There are over 100 different pineapple varieties worldwide, but only a few are commercially available.
fructose | sucrose | glucose | fructose total** |
2,12 | 5,99 | 1,73 | 5,12 |
Good to know
By the way: pineapple fruits don’t continue to ripen after being harvested. When buying fresh fruits, you should pay more attention to the quality. Fresh green leaves, a clear shell color, no soft spots, a high weight for each size and a characteristic aromatic scent are signs of good quality. The fruits begin to ripen and smell from the end of the stem and, depending on the variety when mature, have their typical color, from green, yellow, orange-yellow to reddish. It is best to store fresh, whole fruits at room temperature.
For individuals with an average tolerance about 30g makes a good test.
*amount of sugar depends on variety and ripeness
**The value of 'fructose total' composes of the pure fructose and 1/2 of the sucrose.
source: BZfE,